Monday, March 1, 2010


I started reading a new book today...its by one of my fave authors, Nicholas Sparks. The book is called The Wedding. It is believed to be a sequel to The Notebook which i remember reading atleast 4-5 years back. The first ever book by Nicholas Sparks that i read was A Walk to Remember and trust me that was THE best book i have ever read in my life!! it definitely is the kind of book you just cant put on a shelf and brand as "ONE" of the books that you read. For me it surely takes THE most special place...mostly as a collectible. Collectibe!!?? becuz i dint read any other book as special as this one...i dint find another book which would make me feel so alive with the characters as if i was actually living with them. I dint have to take efforts to imagine the characters the characters just emerged out of the book as i read...its THE best book i have ever read!! I read a couple of Nicholas Sparks after A Walk to Remember...which will include The Notebook, True Believer, The Rescue... and i hav read a couple of other authors Paulo Coelho, Chetan Bhagat, Khaled Hosseini etc etc...but even though i have been moved by some books i still have not been able to find another one like...even close to A Walk to Remember. this post is not about Nicholas Sparks or about the list of his books or about how much i was moved by the first book that i read of him...its actually about an important question that stirred within me when i started reading this new book! The Prologue of the book starts with a question...its a question that i am sure many of us would have wondered about in the past...many would have found answers and many would still be wondering!! Well i am the latter one...cuz i am still wondering...The question in the Prologue is: Is it possible, I wonder, for a Man to truly change? Or do Character and Habit form the immovable boundaries of our lives?
I have never been an avid reader though i always wanted 2 develop my reading habits and if i found something that tugs my interests...then i make sure i read it...and this book of Nicholas Sparks, Even given the fact for the kind of a fan that i have been of Nicholas Sparks books, never could draw my attention. I bought the book a couple of years back in India and started reading it but to be honest, always found it the "Boring" types! I read thru it half way and still couldnt really understand the depth of the story or find any interest in the characters...but now when i am married and am exposed to the intricacies of a married life...the same book now seemed interesting enough that i had to write a blog about it even before i could finish reading it! I dont know how exactly the book would turn out to be...but right now i can relate to the subjects more closely...being married came with some deeper understandings of the Life issues i must say.. :) And may be thats why i am atleast interested enough to give another shot to reading the book!! The first line of the book's prologue stirred something within me and no matter how or what the story would turn out to be...i know this books already important for me!!

I might go on contemplating my thoughts about what it stirred inside of me...and read thru the book to know how it turns out to be...lets wait and keep reading till then.. :)


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I’m a mystic creation of Almighty… an endowment sent from above… to fulfill HIS special purpose.. to pervade “My Real Own” to satiate eternity… in this real world!!
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