Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Conversations with Yourself!

Have you ever found yourself sitting helplessly tensed about some issue in Work place, Personal Life or in the life of a loved one? Guess thats something very common, all of us at some point in life do fall trap to some or the other kind of tensions or worries even if we employ fool proof methods to wade off the same. In those times you will always have conversations going on in your mind. Sometimes conscious, while some other times completely unconscious. Your mind tries to analyze the situation, and give answers to your doubts.

I have been pretty tensed and confused about things at office lately and i really dont know which way to proceed or even if i chose a way i dont know how to be sure why to chose that particular way! There literally are battles in the mind and they sometimes bring out different emotions on the outside. I ask myself a question and then satisfy myself with an answer. And then my mind analyses why i chose to answer it that way and tries to find out if theres a better way to answer the same. That inturn gives rise to another answer and again another question and its answer and so on. I did an interesting thing today since i was so tired of thinking and thinking. Instead of letting the conversations in my mind go on, i just jotted down the thoughts as and when they appeared (with whatever answers my mind was making out). I dont say doing so gave me some kind of solution to my confusions but atleast having written it down, gave a kind of clarity to my thoughts. Some strange kind of satisfaction of finding answers to questions that keep arising in mind whenever my mind is at a constant thought process.

Questions in life dont always find the correct answer, actually there is no correct answer to so many questions that our mind comes up with, but still we go on. Even if we make some wrong decisions life just goes on to complete its destined journey. Having conversations with ourselves is as inevitable as Life and Death, but how we deal with it is what makes the big difference. As long as our life exists, our mind tends to continue its work and as long as it does that the conversation in our minds will never cease to exist. Let our conversations with ourselves do something Good for us.


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About Me

I’m a mystic creation of Almighty… an endowment sent from above… to fulfill HIS special purpose.. to pervade “My Real Own” to satiate eternity… in this real world!!
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